Ayr Roads Cycling Club / Harry Fairbairn BMW

Club Name:

Ayr Roads Cycling Club / Harry Fairbairn BMW

Where are you based?

Ayr, South Ayrshire

Cycling Disciplines:

Road, time trials, cyclocross and some mountain biking

What is your club ethos?

As Ayrshire’s oldest cycling club we have a foundation built on racing and touring our bikes. This continues into the present day with members racing at all levels and logging big miles in all weather. As individuals we pride ourselves on representing Ayr Roads CC and ensure the club reputation remains strong.

What is the best thing about your club?

There is always someone willing to help! We are a supportive club and enjoy seeing each other thrive.

What club rides do you run?

We run a main Sunday Social ride with a coffee stop.

We also have multiple training rides during the week, and members regularly organise longer rides.

Do you wait for dropped riders / mechanicals on some or all of your rides?

On social rides and long distance/touring rides we wait for everyone and remain as a group.

Training rides depend on individual situations. A dropped female rider may find someone will drop off the bunch to stay with them and encourage them or help with a mechanical.

What is the minimum standard you would expect from new club riders?

Sunday Social rides have two groups with the minimum being around 14-15mph average, usually covering over 40 miles.

Training rides are grouped into ability when numbers allow, and are fast paced at various lengths.

Members are expected to bring their own kit to fix punctures or small mechanicals.

What do you expect riders to bring on club runs?

Suitable clothing for the weather and ride conditions, repair kit, any food and drink needed, and money for a coffee stop.

Are bikes other than road bikes acceptable on any rides?

The majority of our rides are road bike specific with e-bikes welcome.

We do run the occasional gravel bike ride which can be done on a gravel bike, cyclocross bike or any off road bike.

Cyclocross skills rides should be done on an appropriate bike to cyclocross riding.

Aspects of cycling the club is involved in:

Social runs

Time trial and cyclocross specific training sessions

Training bunches

Organising races

Competing in races

Taking part in sportives

Touring rides

Training Camps

Club League races

Do you run club social events?

We have active social members and have many ad hoc drinks or coffees.

We usually have a few organised social events throughout the year, with an evening event for prize giving each winter.

Number of members (roughly):


Current percentage of female members:


Do you have a women’s development officer?

No, but with two women sitting on the committee and a female Honorary Club President we are ensuring the club is heading in the right direction for women!

Please give details of any projects you have or are running to support and encourage women.

We are working on specific women’s rides on several dates during the summer and hope to have a regular women-only ride. Currently these are offered on an ad hoc basis.

Do you also have a children’s / youth section / Go Ride club?

No, although we have teenagers with a good level of ability that join in with club activities.

Do you offer opportunities for members to train as coaches, ride leaders, etc?

We actively support members who are interested in these options.

Any other information you would like to share:

Although a male dominated club, our members are all committed to encouraging and helping women develop their cycling skills and abilities. Our women are respected and valued as equals and we offer a supportive environment to all members.

Website / social media / etc:

Website: www.AyrRoadsCC.co.uk

Facebook: Facebook.com/ayrroadscc

Instagram: @ayrroadscc

Joining Information:

Full details of membership can be found on our website with 2020 membership only £20.

Prospective members are encouraged to join us for a Sunday ride to meet our members and find out more about the club before joining.

Contact details:

Email: AyrRoadsCyclingClub@gmail.com or you can message us through social media.

Information last updated:

July 2020

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