Mummy’s Gone A….Walk

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6 Responses

  1. Lizzie says:

    I completely understand! I have cycled far less in lockdowns, for various reasons, but I do walk, and love it. Some years ago, in my 50s, because of changed circumstances, I started to walk an awful lot. I found I could walk miles and I got a lot fitter. Although I also gained a great love for cycling, and have done trips I never dreamt I would, my first love is still walking. The moment I am out the door I feel free, and slowly my head clears. I always reckon I need 2 miles to get the rubbish out of my head, two just to be quiet (and for my body to loosen up) and then after that my thoughts become productive.

  2. Julia says:

    Glad to hear you’re ok again and fingers crossed you both make a full recovery!
    You’re essentially doing forest bathing now, right? Maybe you can combine this with books, i.e. listen to audiobooks? Or would this distract from the “in nature” bit?
    Miracle Pill is on my list as well but somehow even with more time due to no races (and everything else not on) my reading pile still grows….

    • Diana says:

      Got to say I prefer to keep all my senses when I’m out – I like to hear too! I did have company from my eight year old today and liked the chat though.
      Ha ha – I have the very same problem with the eternally growing pile of books to read!

  1. January 31, 2021

    […] have been keeping to my plan of going for a walk every day. Yesterday, a friend and her son joined my son and I for a walk. They live just under two miles […]

  2. January 23, 2022

    […] feel are most important to cyclists. After all, this is Mummy’s Gone a Cycle. (Although, I do walk too…and […]

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